Wednesday, August 10, 2011
All Growed Up
Monday, August 8, 2011
My very own FORT...
Johnny is getting to an age where I can let him play outside by himself, while I cook dinner - if the windows are open and he is singing a song loud enough for me to hear the entire time. Just kidding, but not really. LOL
Friday, August 5, 2011
Old Skool
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Play Ballllll
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
I have been wearing them now for over a month and let me tell you I love them!! Now at first I was a little weirded out by putting my toes into the individual spots and I get some funny looks when I am wearing them but they adjust to your foot after a cople times. I wear them for my group workouts three times a week and while walking or running. It is amazing the calf workout you get running in these things. I did 1 mile and my legs felt like I just compleated my first marathon (well what I imagine that would feel like). Johnny and John wear them for bike riding they are so cool and I highly recomend them to anyone. There are a lot of benefits to wearing them - check it out if you get a chance
Now if only we could find JR a shirt that felt like he was shirtless. LOL
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
that guy....
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Ah, to be a kid
Monday, June 6, 2011
Two thumbs up
Well it only took about a week for the boy to get used to the water again. Now I cant get him out, he practicing all of his jumps for the diving board. With the summer starting out in the high 90's we are going to be parked at the pool for the next couple months.
Life is good
Everyone and everything has been invisible to Johnny except for dada, I am not even sur
Its funny I never really thought of having to get used to my husband but he is back and I
A lot of our goals were accomplished, John did an unbelievable job for his family and himself. He has a very impr
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Exciting NEWS.....
Here is what I know for sure - John has filled out all his paperwork to demobe. He will hopefully be able to fly out on Friday the 20th to Baghdad for there he will fly to Dubai. He is letting the company send him home so once he is in Dubai he will be flying standby which means I don't know when he will be home! It will be no earlier then Sunday and hopefully no later then Friday, either way it is over. He completed his year with KBR and kicked ass, now its time to come home and see his family!
The Blue's are all very excited, I'm not sure any of us will be getting much sleep the next few days.
Now all I have to do is about a million things - haha I will try to keep the blog and everyone updated!
One for you, two for me
Monday, May 16, 2011
Busy, busy!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Turning it up a notch...
Now that Johnny is in the black belt club he is allowed to spar. He was so excited to get his bag filled with all the gear which included a cup which he thought looked great. Oy ve, anytime now John. He did awesome in his first fight and loved every minuet, shocking I know.
John Blue, kinda a big deal...
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
He is an athlete, no a rock star no..
Thursday, April 14, 2011
What keeps you up?
Monday, April 11, 2011
Ahh Spring...
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
The Best Day Ever...
Thursday, March 31, 2011
How do I love Thee...
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
My insane moment of the day...
Fish get their oxygen directly from the water. They have organs called gills that take oxygen out of the water, just as your lungs take oxygen out of the air. But water can run out of oxygen, just as air can. So fish can suffocate in water, which means they can drown in water. These drownings occur most often in small ponds that dry up. All the fish that live in the pond are crowded into the remaining water, where they use up all the oxygen in the water, then drown. Fish can also drown if their gills are damaged in a collision with an underwater plant or in a fight with other sea creatures. Weather conditions also account for some drownings. For example, when some fish realize that oxygen supply in the water is getting very low, they rise to the surface and suck air into a sac-like organ called the air bladder. The fish can then take oxygen out of this air instead of directly out of the water. But in cold weather, when the surface of the water is frozen, the fish can’t reach that air, and so they drown.
SO THERE, now stop laughing.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Funny Guy
From the mouth of Blue
When tucking Johnny in I found batteries under the pillow, when I asked him why they were there he gave me a famous look and said " they are for the tooth fairy mom, cause I dont have any teeth to leave her! duh" Then I asked what she would do with batteries and got " I dont know put um in her wand or something"
He was playing on the playground the other day and heard the famous " my dad can beat your dad up" the other little boy did not respond and Johnny said, " seriously he can"
Johnny kept walking out of the bathroom telling me hey I thought I had to go but I didnt. Well the other day I heard him go pee he came out with the same story. I told him Johnny I know you just went potty where did you go. He led me into the bathroom and showed me the trash can which was not the first time he used it. ICK! After he went to time out and we talked about it I asked him why did you go potty in the trash anyway he said "cause I like the way it sounds" and when I asked if he pees in other peoples trash cans he said "nah, ours is the only one I can reach."
A lot of times I really wish I had a video camera going to catch all of it. This boy is such a character!
Friday, March 18, 2011
The Softer Side...
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
You have to take the bad with the good....
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
It was bound to happen
The Slide: Really does not seem like the most dangerous place on the playground especially if used properly however that is not a fun way to use the slide. Johnny enjoys using the slides to climb up or to jump off, a quick getaway. The main problem with this is the children that are trying to use the slides correctly lots of room for injury head bumps, kicks to the face - not good, not good.