Thursday, May 19, 2011

Exciting NEWS.....

I don't know who has been following the blog, but if you notice the countdown is to 3 DAYS!! So what is going on with John, when will he be home, what are yall going to do - those are a few of the questions I get asked about 10 times a day. lol
Here is what I know for sure - John has filled out all his paperwork to demobe. He will hopefully be able to fly out on Friday the 20th to Baghdad for there he will fly to Dubai. He is letting the company send him home so once he is in Dubai he will be flying standby which means I don't know when he will be home! It will be no earlier then Sunday and hopefully no later then Friday, either way it is over. He completed his year with KBR and kicked ass, now its time to come home and see his family!
The Blue's are all very excited, I'm not sure any of us will be getting much sleep the next few days.
Now all I have to do is about a million things - haha I will try to keep the blog and everyone updated!

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