Monday, May 16, 2011

Busy, busy!

Well once again I have neglected my blog. Trust me everything that has gone on I have thought of a great blog post to share with the world but lately I seem to be lacking on one thing and that is TIME! Time to actually sit down and put these thoughts on paper is limited. So we will just do a quick update on the past few weeks mkay?

The only time we had all the people we love in that same room (minus the few that couldn't be there) was our wedding. John and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary in April! Most days it feels like we have been married forever, which isn't always a bad thing I just don't remember my life without him. (seriously, I have a bad memory. lol) Every year has had their ups and downs and I really feel like we have become a good team and are always improving. This year challenged us in many ways and looking ahead it will be an adjustment living together again! (weird to think that) But I feel in spending this time apart we have gotten such an appreciation for each other and our love has grown even more.

I know some amazing women, I am very lucky to have them in my life as friends and family. All are very strong, smart, confident and independent I look up to all of them and have really used them as an example to make it through this year. One in particular has been there for me my entire life and I never fully appreciated her until I became a mother. Amazing does not describe my mom she has always been there for me, loved me unconditionally, worried when she should and let me go when she had to. She has been such a great example - a teacher, a nurse, chef, chauffeur, a councilor, a maid and all without a complaint. Thank you mom for everything you do for us!

On the flip side of mothers day I must say I am a pretty to be the mom of such an amazing kid! He is so loving and thoughtful not to mention freaking hilarious. He made me a couple of sweet presents at school including a golden shoe - no dont worry I always wanted a pair of shoes 1 gold and the other normal. lol It was a nice and relaxing day.

Lots of good stuff going on, stay tuned!

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