The Dad: Since he has been home from Iraq John has started his own contracting company doing a little bit of everything. He is really excited about the opportunities that lay ahead with a new slope mowing machine he found. He is such a hands on parent, and by that I mean he does all the wrestling and boy stuff that I don't want to deal with. He and Johnny LOVE to play Wii, ride bikes, shoot BB guns and anything else that scares the living crap out of me. We just celebrated 6 years of marriage.
The Mom: Well that would be me. I am a typical mom constantly on the go, working at the lab and also doing photography on the side. My life revolves around my family and simple things make me smile like picking berries, catching lightning bugs or just enjoying a pretty day outside.
The Boy: Johnny Blue man where do I start? When he is not busy becoming a ninja or weapons expert, or playing with Lego's you can find him dancing. He is all boy with two speeds, awake and asleep. He loves sticks, no I mean really loves sticks. Johnny is on his way to becoming a black belt, and is also involved in baseball and trying to twist my arm on football. He is that kid that is good at everything, he smiles with his eyes and his dimple/freckle combo is dangerous. Yea, I love him!
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