The Monkey Bars: Many children have fallen victim to these parallel predators. Broken arms, wrists very common. Johnny loves the monkey bars he trys to do them as fast as he can. He is very good at them, can do every other one and this weekend I saw him do them backwards. I have it on video for the non believers. He has had quite a few falls and he seems to always land on his head. So to prevent any further head injuries this is what we do first on the playground after riding his bike so he still has on his helmet. Ha, ha.
The Slide: Really does not seem like the most dangerous place on the playground especially if used properly however that is not a fun way to use the slide. Johnny enjoys using the slides to climb up or to jump off, a quick getaway. The main problem with this is the children that are trying to use the slides correctly lots of room for injury head bumps, kicks to the face - not good, not good.
Then there is the....
On this particular morning Johnny was playing good on the playground. He tried all his daredevil stuff on his bike. (You know slamming on the breaks to make skid marks and peddling as fast as he can down the hills.) So you can imagine my surprise while he was riding on the Supernova and holding on he fell off and started crying. Like hard crying, I asked what was wrong and he said he hurt his hand I gave him a hug and told him to shake it off unless he wanted to go home. Within a few min he was fine, playing again. When we got home we iced his fingers and that was that. The rest of the weekend his fingers turned from red to purple
to black, but he was still able to bend it and didnt seem to be in much pain. I decided to take him to the doctor and his poor little finger is broken! I cant believe it, no complaining, no whining - nothing. X-rays are so cool, I dont know where it is broken or how bad but here is his cute little bones. We have to go to the surgeon tomorrow, where I will find out more. I dont think they will really be able to do anything other then splint it but I will keep yall updated. What I have learned from this is Johnny has a very high threshold for pain and its never a bad thing to get something checked, just in case. Hopefully this will not only be the first broken bone for Johnny Blue but also the LAST!
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