Saturday, March 19, 2011

Funny Guy

The boy keeps me laughing all the time.

From the mouth of Blue

When tucking Johnny in I found batteries under the pillow, when I asked him why they were there he gave me a famous look and said " they are for the tooth fairy mom, cause I dont have any teeth to leave her! duh" Then I asked what she would do with batteries and got " I dont know put um in her wand or something"

He was playing on the playground the other day and heard the famous " my dad can beat your dad up" the other little boy did not respond and Johnny said, " seriously he can"

Johnny kept walking out of the bathroom telling me hey I thought I had to go but I didnt. Well the other day I heard him go pee he came out with the same story. I told him Johnny I know you just went potty where did you go. He led me into the bathroom and showed me the trash can which was not the first time he used it. ICK! After he went to time out and we talked about it I asked him why did you go potty in the trash anyway he said "cause I like the way it sounds" and when I asked if he pees in other peoples trash cans he said "nah, ours is the only one I can reach."

A lot of times I really wish I had a video camera going to catch all of it. This boy is such a character!

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