Wednesday, August 10, 2011

All Growed Up

Man, my baby went to pr-K and came home a big boy! I really didnt feel like it was going to effect me at all this whole pre-k thing, mainly because he has been in daycare all his life and pre-K is in the same school. But I tell you what, seeing him come out of school with his little book bag on I realized it is a big deal. Pretty soon he will be riding a bus and then he will be driving and dating and then moving out and leaving me. (sob)

It is amazing how his entire attitude has changed, he got in the car and said "Mom, you know how there are Pre-K friends? Well now I am a Pre-K friend" He is excited to go to school and I am hoping this newness dosent wear off any time soon! He is really loving his teachers, I think he has finally gotten to the point where he can say Mrs. Wiener with out totally losing it. I am really excited for what this school year has in store, he will be working on reading and writing among other things. In this first week they worked on learning telephone numbers, he called me. And then he called John, and Gigi and Poppy and Jenny and Nathan and me again. LOL

I guess I have to face the fact he is growing up very quickly but I still have 1 year until Kindergarten.

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