Thursday, April 14, 2011

What keeps you up?

So I am sure a lot of people are losing sleep these days, from worrying about a job, a family problem, a new baby, a stupid dog that needs to be let out (im not bitter) or the government shutdown - just to name a few. Well let me tell you what a 4 year old lays awake worrying about. I got woken up this morning at 3 am to be asked three important questions.

1. Do plant eaters attack each other?

2. Why do some animals lay eggs to grow their babies and some are like mamas and grow them in their bellies?

and probably the most important of the three

3. Does Lady Gaga really smoke cigarettes, because in her song she says just light my cigarette and hush?

After Johnny got his answers he was able to fall right back to sleep. I on the other hand laid awake for the next hour trying to think which animals lay eggs and which give live births because at 3 am in the morning I could only think of two. LOL I must say I am impressed with his questions, that mind is always going!

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