Thursday, January 6, 2011

He is in route

What an exciting day first the Wolf's welcomed 2 new beautiful baby boys into their family. Reid and Grant both weighing in over 6 pounds amazing to have 2 beautiful, healthy babies. It really is such an amazing thing! So happy for Melissa and Ryan. I just hate they are all the way in Texas - I want to hold these cute babies!! (BTW Johnny saw the pictures and said aww they are so adorable. Of course I agreed. Then he thought for a second and said but not as adorable as me right mama?)
Then John got on his plane and is officially in route to Atlanta. I have been so busy trying to get everything ready the day has flown by. This is pretty cool if anyone is interested you can track his flight

It shows exactly where the plane is and if it is on time. Hopefully he is getting a lot of sleep because Johnny has a full day planned for his daddy tomorrow. Starting with a trip to the park and sword fights. He has Karate tomorrow night too. I cant wait to have my family together!

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