He is now in an Advanced Karate class, most of the kids are 8-10 years old and are red/brown/black belts. That in itself is intimidating, but you add in the fact he was stripped of his belt and it was hanging on the wall of pink belts (which he got made fun of) and I can see how getting in front of the class could be hard. Alright rewind to the belt part, Johnny has been getting N's at school in behavior. Behavior such as singing in the bathroom, skipping in the hallway, wiggling in line. I kid you not, while I think a lot of this stuff is just BS he needs to learn to control himself at school. I told him the other week if he came home with another N he would have to turn in his blue belt. Sometimes being a parent is so hard, and following through with punishments just sucks. But I had to stick with what I said. So no belt, big kids, doesn't know the form yea that's a lot. Oh and his dad has been gone again for the past month and his day starts at 5:15AM.
No belt, big kids, pressure to do good in school, pressure to earn his belt back, he doesn't know the form and missing his dad. Oh and he is 6. Yea this is when I realized - he is 6, he is a kid a kid who doesn't need to be stressed out. So I backed off, I can not stress out every day about whether or not he is getting a check mark in class if its something bad enough his teacher will contact me and other then that we will deal with it on Friday when I get his weekly report. We practiced the form, and practiced a lot. Johnny has to get a stripe for this form or he will not graduate. In order to get his stripe he has to go in front of the class and get graded. Last night he was called to get in front of the class
Im proud of him
You're a good mom with a big heart and a sweet, sweet kiddo. Love y'all!