Monday, December 17, 2012

The Bearded Dragon Blues

After a recent stop to the pet store a Bearded Dragon has quickly made its way to the top of Johnny's Christmas List. The sales person loved these lizards, seriously I saw her kiss it. She was going on and on about how cool they are and of course let Johnny hold one. After just watching the recent documentary on lizards he was more then excited to have it sit on his shoulder. And I will admit it was pretty cool how it just sat there.

 But being that I hold the title of the meanest mom in the wold, I immediately shot his dream down. I do not want to be taking care of a lizard! All weekend it is what the boy talked about and realizing I was not going to buy him this lizard he got smart. He went and asked GiGi and Poppy, these two are worse then Santa. Who knows what Christmas morning will bring for Johnny Blue. He may have a new pet that will live at Gigi and Poppy's house. LOL
But I walked in on him singing the Bearded Dragon Blues and had to share.
Please know he will die if he knows I showed anyone (of course I uploaded it to you tube) so you may never speak to him about this song.


  1. OMG. How did you keep a straight face while recording that??? I am DYING! I think the country twang may be my favorite part. Absolutely hilarious!

  2. He takes his music very seriously, it was all I could do not to laugh. I love hearing him make up songs and they stick in my head all day. LOL
