Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The most stressful week EVER

Seriously the past two weeks all I have been doing is stressing out, to the point my brain shut down and stopped working, true story! I’m sure you’re wondering what could cause Katie, such a laid back person (LOL) to stress. Well let me tell you; sales people, 3rd row seating, money, and TAN interior yes what I am talking about here is car shopping. I realize that for some buying a car is fun and exciting well not for this girl! A few weeks ago the motor went out on the expedition and with 144K it was time to say good bye. Now Ford is all I have ever driven but this time around I thought it would be a good idea to look at some other options. (Mistake #1) There are way too many choices out there, and apparently I was looking for a vehicle that didn’t exist. Can you believe that you can’t get a fully loaded large SUV for under 30,000? But you know what you can get a minivan, and everyone was trying to put me in one. I think John's next vehicle is going to be one he loved it so much. lol (Mistake #2) I don’t have anything against minivan drivers, I get it very practical, convenient and the most car you can get for your money. But I just couldn’t do it, I could not wrap my head around driving a minivan. (Which is silly because really the minivan/mom car of this day is the SUV) At the same time this minivan was really messing up my car shopping, knowing everything I could get in the van vs. a 5 year old SUV with 100K miles.  Back and forth to car dealerships every spare minuet we had. It was exhausting, after two weeks everyone was ready for me to make a decision. John was so sweet to let me drive his truck the entire time but by week two I know he was ready to have it back. On Saturday we went out determined not to come home with something, I even told John if we didnt have something by 5:00 I would give in and get the van.

Now it wasnt what I had in mind, much smaller and faster then I am used to. But it has a sunroof, leather, DVD and most importantly tan interior and I got a very fair price on it!

Meet my new car

A Volkswagen Touareg

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