Thursday, July 19, 2012

Family Photo Time...

Well last weekend we got all pretty and went on a short drive to an amazing sunflower field to take some family pictures.  I have to get land so after I finish picking berries then I can go lay in my fields of sunflowers, what a happy place it will be! I guess I didn't fully think this photo shoot through, apparently bees love sunflowers as much as I do, ha who knew. Oh yea by the way both John and Johnny are highly allergic, my bad boys just smile for the camera the epie pen is in the car. Seriously just about every flower had a bee on it and for once Johnny was very cautious, at an early age I started warning him of the dangerous stinger so he would steer clear.
I had fun and I am glad the guys humored me for a little while! Believe it or not I am really bad about printing my pictures and I have a lot of empty wall space in my house. So I have big plans for these, big plans! I will share my finished You are my Sunshine wall in a few weeks but for now here are some of my favorites from the day....

I love that they went by the honor system!

and my FAVORITE one of the day....

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