Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Did someone say FREE?

Ok, while I may be bad at printing pictures and hanging them on my walls I have gotten much better at documenting Johnny's life. Through this blog, photo books, memory box and journals. And because I love ya'll I am going to let you in on my FAVORITE place to create these, Paper Coterie. They have the most beautiful products, very well made, fast turnaround and the customer service is outstanding. You might remember my unique Christmas cards from last year, yep Paper Coterie. One of my favorite things I have made is a Johnny journal. My goal was to write down the day or week events, well that didn’t really work out now I just focus on the highlights or things I don’t want to forget.

And now you can make one of your very own for FREE! Thats right, just follow the link below upload a picture and enter coupon code welcomejournal at checkout. Shipping rates do apply but it is so worth it! Enjoy, and feel free to share this link and coupon with others!

The most stressful week EVER

Seriously the past two weeks all I have been doing is stressing out, to the point my brain shut down and stopped working, true story! I’m sure you’re wondering what could cause Katie, such a laid back person (LOL) to stress. Well let me tell you; sales people, 3rd row seating, money, and TAN interior yes what I am talking about here is car shopping. I realize that for some buying a car is fun and exciting well not for this girl! A few weeks ago the motor went out on the expedition and with 144K it was time to say good bye. Now Ford is all I have ever driven but this time around I thought it would be a good idea to look at some other options. (Mistake #1) There are way too many choices out there, and apparently I was looking for a vehicle that didn’t exist. Can you believe that you can’t get a fully loaded large SUV for under 30,000? But you know what you can get a minivan, and everyone was trying to put me in one. I think John's next vehicle is going to be one he loved it so much. lol (Mistake #2) I don’t have anything against minivan drivers, I get it very practical, convenient and the most car you can get for your money. But I just couldn’t do it, I could not wrap my head around driving a minivan. (Which is silly because really the minivan/mom car of this day is the SUV) At the same time this minivan was really messing up my car shopping, knowing everything I could get in the van vs. a 5 year old SUV with 100K miles.  Back and forth to car dealerships every spare minuet we had. It was exhausting, after two weeks everyone was ready for me to make a decision. John was so sweet to let me drive his truck the entire time but by week two I know he was ready to have it back. On Saturday we went out determined not to come home with something, I even told John if we didnt have something by 5:00 I would give in and get the van.

Now it wasnt what I had in mind, much smaller and faster then I am used to. But it has a sunroof, leather, DVD and most importantly tan interior and I got a very fair price on it!

Meet my new car

A Volkswagen Touareg

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Family Photo Time...

Well last weekend we got all pretty and went on a short drive to an amazing sunflower field to take some family pictures.  I have to get land so after I finish picking berries then I can go lay in my fields of sunflowers, what a happy place it will be! I guess I didn't fully think this photo shoot through, apparently bees love sunflowers as much as I do, ha who knew. Oh yea by the way both John and Johnny are highly allergic, my bad boys just smile for the camera the epie pen is in the car. Seriously just about every flower had a bee on it and for once Johnny was very cautious, at an early age I started warning him of the dangerous stinger so he would steer clear.
I had fun and I am glad the guys humored me for a little while! Believe it or not I am really bad about printing my pictures and I have a lot of empty wall space in my house. So I have big plans for these, big plans! I will share my finished You are my Sunshine wall in a few weeks but for now here are some of my favorites from the day....

I love that they went by the honor system!

and my FAVORITE one of the day....

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Boogity, Boogity, Boogity

American born and southern by the grace of God, thats how it goes right dad? Well I will always be a southern girl.  For those that dont know me I suppose I have a slight accent on any given day but a funny thing happens in some situations I become a little more country. (ok, ok my accent changes to sound like I am from the back woods of North Carolina.) I think it must be some sort of disorder. These situations typically involve beer or fishin or just talking on the phone to another southerner but the past few Saturday nights it has been the roar of a motor, dirt in your eyes and boiled peanuts (pronounced bowl pea-nut) that has brought out my southern roots. I was excited, a little too excited when I found out about Winder Barrow Speedway, it is a dirt race track 10 miles from our house and they have races every Saturday night with late models and hobby. OMG what could be more fun, I could not wait to introduce Johnny to racing. I think at some point John was questioning who exactly he was married to. HA

The first week we went I was so caught up in the excitment I forgot my camera but instagram was with me so I was able to capture some of it. Let me tell you the Winder Barrow speedway did not disappoint, from the man smoking 3 cigaretts slapping the flame wrist band on us to the kids running around in there underware showing all their tattoos (Im 90% sure they were all temporary tats) the races were everything I imagined. And Johnny Blue loved it, he took off his shirt, got some bowl pea-nuts and found a spot on the grass to watch the races. When the cars started racing a smile came across his face, he turned to me and asked "next time can I bring my dirtbike" sure honey when you stop running into trees on foot then I will let you race LOL. He had a ball, we all left excited about the new Saturday hot spot and with a film of GA red clay all over us.
This past Saturday we saw some good racing, and I dont mean good driving im talking about a lot of crashes and fire. LOL Oh and speaking of fire we got a very special treat while we were there. One of Winder's finest was shooting fireworks off the bed of their truck. Totally safe, and awesome! If anyone wants to come on out to winder with us let me know, we can splurge and head down to the pit :)

Proof I let him eat junk....


There are a lot of things Johnny got from his daddy, cowlicks and a double crown is one of them. Let me tell you I scare people before they cut Johnny's hair, seriously the last girl got her manager. But there is a lot of potential for a bad haircut so I need to be specific, and if they follow my directions then we are good. The reason I am telling you this is because I am a bit psycho when it comes to Johnny's hair. Well I am sure this is some sort of rite of passage to being a kid but I would have been very happy if it never occurred in our household. I asked Johnny if he could take a shower all by himself while I got some things done downstairs. (He always takes a shower by himself but I am in the next room to prevent swinging from the shower head ect) Well once again I have confirmed my child cannot be left alone, apparently he thought he needed a haircut and so he took matters into his own hands. Thank God the only scissors he had access to were the small toiletry ones but he still managed to do some damage, right in the middle of his bangs. And as if that was not awesome enough we are doing family pictures this weekend of course.


Saturday, July 7, 2012

A Pirate's Life for Me

The quote of the day from Johnny

" I want to be a pirate so I can get all the booty" followed by a funny face and "I am talking about treasure mom, dont be weird"

Monday, July 2, 2012

Sunday, Sunday

Sundays are my favorite day of the week; they are just a little lazier and always a family day. After a full weekend in this hot, hot weather we were taking it easy inside when Johnny saw his guitar on the wall. He grabbed his "cool guy" hat and the guitar and started jamming out. I was able to sneak a video but it didnt turn out too clear. Dont worry there will be some updated dance moves coming soon. But the hat and freckles combo is killing me!