Thursday, March 31, 2011

How do I love Thee...

Ok, reason number 1,587 that I love Johnny. I picked him up from school where they had their latest art projects on display. The class built the city of Dacula, and each student choose a building to make. There was grocery stores, schools, the post office, all kinds of fast food places. (You could really see where these kids like to go). Now what did Johnny make? A surf board shop, like I said I love him. When I asked why a surf board shop he said cause people need them to surf. I think he is ready for a trip to the beach!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My insane moment of the day...

Really I could probably post something under this heading every day, but this one I thought was too funny not to share. So I was loading the dishwasher when I noticed our Beta Fish, Superman was swimming under the rocks in his bowl which I thought was a bit odd. Well the next time I looked up Superman was stuck under the rocks trying with all his fishy might to get out, rearing back and swimming forward to try and push the rocks. I thought, my God he is going to drown. I rushed over to the bowl and stuck my hand in to move the rocks for the little guy. It was at this moment I realized I was saving our fish from drowning. All I could do is laugh, I still did make sure he got out of the rocks, only to find him a couple hours later back under. Now before you judge, listen to this. I got curious and did a little research and low and behold a fish can in fact drown under water. How you ask - well the first answer I found was if you hold its gills closed it will drown under water :( I was not going to settle for that so here is what I found

Fish get their oxygen directly from the water. They have organs called gills that take oxygen out of the water, just as your lungs take oxygen out of the air. But water can run out of oxygen, just as air can. So fish can suffocate in water, which means they can drown in water. These drownings occur most often in small ponds that dry up. All the fish that live in the pond are crowded into the remaining water, where they use up all the oxygen in the water, then drown. Fish can also drown if their gills are damaged in a collision with an underwater plant or in a fight with other sea creatures. Weather conditions also account for some drownings. For example, when some fish realize that oxygen supply in the water is getting very low, they rise to the surface and suck air into a sac-like organ called the air bladder. The fish can then take oxygen out of this air instead of directly out of the water. But in cold weather, when the surface of the water is frozen, the fish can’t reach that air, and so they drown.

SO THERE, now stop laughing.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Funny Guy

The boy keeps me laughing all the time.

From the mouth of Blue

When tucking Johnny in I found batteries under the pillow, when I asked him why they were there he gave me a famous look and said " they are for the tooth fairy mom, cause I dont have any teeth to leave her! duh" Then I asked what she would do with batteries and got " I dont know put um in her wand or something"

He was playing on the playground the other day and heard the famous " my dad can beat your dad up" the other little boy did not respond and Johnny said, " seriously he can"

Johnny kept walking out of the bathroom telling me hey I thought I had to go but I didnt. Well the other day I heard him go pee he came out with the same story. I told him Johnny I know you just went potty where did you go. He led me into the bathroom and showed me the trash can which was not the first time he used it. ICK! After he went to time out and we talked about it I asked him why did you go potty in the trash anyway he said "cause I like the way it sounds" and when I asked if he pees in other peoples trash cans he said "nah, ours is the only one I can reach."

A lot of times I really wish I had a video camera going to catch all of it. This boy is such a character!

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Softer Side...

Johnny went to a friends birthday party and she had pony rides and bunny rabbits. It was an exciting day, lol. I was surprised how much Johnny loves those rabbits and even more surprised they all made it out alive. They must have starved these things because I know Johnny fed the spotted one at least 4 carrots. It was cute he sat in the cage telling everyone else how to hold them, pick them up and feed them. (apparently they like the head lock position for feeding) See Johnny Blue can be sweet and gentle.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Well after playing Baseball for 2 years straight I regret to say Johnny has gotten burned out. I really think part of it is because John is gone, as it is something they enjoy doing together. The other part is the winter league he was in - my bad, apparently a 4 year old needs to take a break between spring, fall and winter. A break is good, he has been missing it and will move up to T-Ball in the fall.

Johnny has been really wanting to try soccer again so I signed him up and Saturday was his first game. It was pretty funny, he is playing U6 and the games are 4 v 4. He has a coach that knows less about soccer then the kids and picked team Italy cause he "don't like them Spanirds and cant stand Argentina" duh people WINNING. lol I really don't know how we always end up on such awesome teams, but I have come up with a plan to slowly take it over. Johnny did good in the game, he scored a goal (in the other teams goal) and only managed to pick up the ball once. He had fun and looked so freaking cute in his uniform. It will be fun to see him play and I can actually teach him a few things about it. He has a game every Saturday until the end of May so let me know if you want to come support the Italians, cause according to coach "they are closest to Americans."

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

You have to take the bad with the good....

The balance of good and bad. With John's promotion there are a lot of good things.

He is a lot busier, so the time is going by much faster for him.

He is making more money.

He is doing an outstanding job. John was just recognized in front of the entire company and received not 1 but 2 awards! We are so proud of him, Johnny cant wait to see daddy's trophies. LOL

Now the bad, we dont get to talk to him at all anymore. I was able to speak to him between 3-4 times a day and Johnny every morning. These days we are lucky to talk to him once a day. This is really, really going to make these last few months hard. I want to let yall know because most of you have his phone number or get in touch with him through facebook. Dont get worried if you cant get in touch with him. John is hardly on the computer any more, including fb and isnt at that number. His mailing address is still the same and he can still be reached at his email or get out that pen and paper and write him a quick note. The finish line is in sight just gotta get up these last few hills to get there.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It was bound to happen

Having a small Evil Knievel as a son I have always known that casts and broken bones are part of our future.

The Monkey Bars: Many children have fallen victim to these parallel predators. Broken arms, wrists very common. Johnny loves the monkey bars he trys to do them as fast as he can. He is very good at them, can do every other one and this weekend I saw him do them backwards. I have it on video for the non believers. He has had quite a few falls and he seems to always land on his head. So to prevent any further head injuries this is what we do first on the playground after riding his bike so he still has on his helmet. Ha, ha.

The Rock Wall: What could be more fun then climbing a huge rock, apparently for a 4 year old not too many things. I believe his love of climbing rocks started with Stone Mt, bribed to the top with candy at the age of 2 (by his Gigi) once he conquered that its no wonder he owns the ones on the playground. I have seen him in a game of chase climb the rocks in a matter of seconds and then jump from the top. Again the landing is what always worries me.

The Slide: Really does not seem like the most dangerous place on the playground especially if used properly however that is not a fun way to use the slide. Johnny enjoys using the slides to climb up or to jump off, a quick getaway. The main problem with this is the children that are trying to use the slides correctly lots of room for injury head bumps, kicks to the face - not good, not good.

Then there is the....

The Supernova: which can now be found at most playgrounds. Most of the times the kids all sit on it and they con one parent to spin it around getting in a workout. Johnny likes to walk on it and turn that walk into a run. It really is amazing the balance he has. (chalk that one up to gymnastics).

On this particular morning Johnny was playing good on the playground. He tried all his daredevil stuff on his bike. (You know slamming on the breaks to make skid marks and peddling as fast as he can down the hills.) So you can imagine my surprise while he was riding on the Supernova and holding on he fell off and started crying. Like hard crying, I asked what was wrong and he said he hurt his hand I gave him a hug and told him to shake it off unless he wanted to go home. Within a few min he was fine, playing again. When we got home we iced his fingers and that was that. The rest of the weekend his fingers turned from red to purple to black, but he was still able to bend it and didnt seem to be in much pain. I decided to take him to the doctor and his poor little finger is broken! I cant believe it, no complaining, no whining - nothing. X-rays are so cool, I dont know where it is broken or how bad but here is his cute little bones. We have to go to the surgeon tomorrow, where I will find out more. I dont think they will really be able to do anything other then splint it but I will keep yall updated. What I have learned from this is Johnny has a very high threshold for pain and its never a bad thing to get something checked, just in case. Hopefully this will not only be the first broken bone for Johnny Blue but also the LAST!