Thursday, May 20, 2010

Up, Up and Away

The countdown was on to John's departure. Leading up to Sunday we had tried to fit as much quality time in as we could.
Picking strawberries, climbing a mountain, going to the park and getting as much hugs and kisses in as possible. But when it came time for him to get on the plane it still didn't seem like enough. I don't think it is ever easy to say good buy to someone or watch them walk away especially knowing it will be a while before you see them again. It was a quick good buy and I tried to walk away first. Johnny on the other hand was so excited to be in the airport and see all the planes! You would think he had never seen one before. His disappointment came when he realized he didn't have a ticket to get on one. Now he has been begging to ride on an airplane. (Something he will have to do with daddy!)

After an emotional weekend we needed something fun, something to distract us for the rest of the day our first adventure. Then I remembered the minor league team, Gwinnett Braves baseball tickets were in my purse. 3 of them, I had bought as a fundraiser for Jr's baseball team and who better to take the third ticket Aunt Jenny. Well it sounded like a great idea but it was hot, and crowded and I forgot the attention span of a 3 year old isn't that great. Once Johnny got to go on a bouncy jumpy thing fighting for survival amongst the older kids (which scared me to death) the excitement wore off. I think we made it 2 innings. I knew it was time to leave once Johnny started asking if they were done yet. I don't think we will be going back to one of those games for a while.

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