Monday, May 24, 2010

Let The Coundown Beguin

John is officially on his way to Arramadi, Iraq. Im not sure if its the fact that he is out of the U.S. so it will take longer for him to get back or that I just havnt seen him in a week but Im missing him more. I got to talk to him yesterday when he got to Dubai, form there he was headed to Baghdad then Arramadi. I am just ready for him to get to where he is going and get set up and I am praying he will be allowed to have a computer. They already took his cell phone away and they are not allowed to have cameras, GPS systems, or other electronical devises. I dont know what I will do if we cant Skype! He looked good, well nervous and tired but good. It has been flight after flight for him without a break. Hopefully I will hear from him again soon. Johnny is doing ok, he has had a few moments that have broken my heart and he really dosnt like to talk to John on skype. Johnny told me he cant because he just misses him too much. We have been trying to stay as busy as possible and doing pretty good at it. (Thanks to awesome friends and family) So to try and help it all make a little more sence to him we made a countdown chain. Like the ones we did in school counting down to the last days. John dosnt know exactly when he will be able to come home yet but we are trying for Johnny's Birthday, Sept 23. So we made the chain according to that. Now I havnt found a place in our house for this colorful chain but everyday Johnny can tear a strip off and know it is one day closer to see dada.

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