It has come and gone and once again I am late, late, late with a blog post. I am going to need to break this up to a few posts so lets start with Christmas Eve. It was great I actually had the day off, we relaxed made our reindeer food and went to church at about 2. I have never seen so many people at a church, we stood by the exit so I could open the door when I needed to breathe. (For those who don't know I get a bit claustrophobic) One thing I really like about our church is during each mass the priest calls all the children to the alter. He sits down with them and chats. It is so funny to hear the exchange between them, and Johnny is always in the middle of it. I wish it would have been less crowded so we could enjoy it more but I am glad we went. After church it was time for probably one of the longest running traditions in the Gold house. Japanese on Christmas Eve. This tradition started in 1988, after mass when there was no where else to eat but a habatcie restaurant. It was the first time Jenny and I had been and I must say I am glad it became a tradition and I am glad our table has grown.
After dinner we went back to the house to decorate Santa's cookies, which is always fun. Nathan was playing his annoying brother roll by sabotaging every ones cookies. You know sprinkles where they dont go, putting his on top of ours, fingers in the icing typical little brother antics. And he was pretty proud of his creations here we have the super cookie. As he placed it on the cookie plate he said "No one better eat this one tomorrow, its mine" (this is imoportant information which will lead to my favorite part of Christmas)
More cookie decorating ...
It was getting late so we headed home, there was still a lot to be done! Reindeer food, milk and cookies for Santa and bed! Johnny was so excited we kept tracking Santa on my phone seeing how close he was getting. He wrote a note, set out the milk and cookies and had no problem falling asleep. It was Christmas!!!!
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