Wednesday, October 10, 2012


At my parent teacher conference with Mrs. Graham she told me Johnny's biggest strength is his creativity.

One of his favorite things to do is create, he gets so mad at me when I throw away an empty bottle or paper towel roll because it can be art. So most of the time I run it by him before I throw his potential masterpiece away. His homework this weekend was to make a vehicle out of recycled material, right up his alley. It could be any type of vehicle and because he has already made a space ship he decided on a Unicycle. Yes, a unicycle I also learned this is something he has always wanted to have surprise, surprise. We searched the house high and low for all of our materials and I am pretty impressed with the result. The only thing I did was monitor the hot glue gun use and bend the paperclips. He used wood pieces from an old basket for the spokes, paper clips for the pedals and foam for the seat.

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