Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Part Two

So I survived the first day of kindergarten, and so did Johnny. I am just going to take yall through the morning where I left off waiting on Johnny's alarm. At 6:25 with camera in hand I hear Master Yoda, alright let’s do this. Johnny literally sprung out of bed; I think he was only half sleeping so excited to start his day. He did think the alarm sounded more like a burglar alarm then a clock. Most mornings when we have to get him up and going he wines and complains about everything but not today, he is a big kid getting ready for school. He got up brushed his teeth and put on the clothes I laid out for him. (Which by the way were ridiculously cute) the entire time he was rambling on and on jumping from subject to subject and honestly I didn’t really hear a word, I was so lost in my own thoughts.

While we were upstairs John was down making him the usual for breakfast; cinnamon oatmeal and a blueberry waffle. Johnny ate one bite, put on his book bag (he packed the night before) and started to open the door. When I asked where he was going he gave me that duh look and with attitude said "well I don’t want to miss bus # 2 now do I?" I managed to get him to go back to the table and eat a few more bites of breakfast before giving in and heading out there 30 min early. But that’s fine just more picture time for me haha. The bus stop is about 3 houses down the street from ours, he walked and skipped his way down and sat. Johnny was so ready to start the day, so ready for new friends, new teacher, big kid school I could see he really is ready for Kindergarten. In all that excitement I am sure there was a bit of nervousness in there somewhere but it was hidden good. Not too long kids started to come out and the bus stop grew. Johnny’s friend Aaron, who is also starting kindergarten and in the same class, (that poor, poor teacher) came out and it was so cute to see the two of them talking and comparing book bags and school supplies.

While he was going through his book bag he found one of the pocket hearts I filled with love for him. You know the ones he was so embarrassed by. Yea he loved it.

One of the little girls at the stop said the bus in about to be here I smell it, while I was hoping she was wrong I pulled Johnny to the side and gave him a hug and kiss and gave him the daily reminders.

1 - Listen and follow directions

2 - Be respectful to your teachers and friends around you

3 - Have fun

And then I turned to my left and stopped breathing as I saw the yellow bus driving up the hill. All the kids cheered and lined up, Johnny in front of course. (cause if your not first your last) As soon as the doors opened up Johnny was on the bus. He RAN on the bus, I got one picture, LOL. I saw where he sat and crossed the street, my eyes filled with tears as he pressed his hand to the window and then I lost it when he threw up an I love you. I feel as if it was his way of telling me I got this mom, I am ok and you are too. I sure do love that sweet mama’s boy! While it is not the best quality photo, it is one I will cherish forever!

John and I walked back to the house with the realization that our baby is growing up. Then we got in the car and went to the school. John thought I was a little crazy for following him to school but trust me I was in good company. There were a lot of mamas out there crying with camera in hand. (So if you ever doubt your sanity then just go to school on the first day of kindergarten.) I was so happy I beat the bus to school and got to see him get off and the follow him to class. When he realized I was there I got "so are you just going to follow me all day or something" But I am very glad we went up there, it made me feel so much better about this entire kindergarten situation. All of the administrators were outside getting kids off the bus and about every 2 steps there was a teacher directing kids to their class. We watched Johnny turn down A hall and I was really proud of him. Now to wait... and by wait I mean go home, download all of the pictures and cry all over again while looking at them. LOL

Around 2:30 I started pacing, every time I heard a bus I grabbed the camera and ran outside, finally I just went out there to wait. 30 minutes and 3 wrong buses later bus # 2 passed by. I was so excited to see my baby get off the bus run to me and give me a hug. Yea that didn’t happen. Instead he didn’t get off the bus. I checked my phone and sure enough had 3 missed calls from the school. Apparently they had him as a car rider and would not let him get on the bus. (This is what happens when dad takes him to open house and starts filling out paperwork, just sayin). We rode up to school and got him in the car and he was exhausted with an attitude. I had to pry out information, I got that he played on the big playground, he wants to buy lunch and he cannot sit by Aaron for the rest of the year. Not exactly the homecoming I was hoping for but we get to do it again tomorrow.


  1. This seriously had me crying and then laughing out loud. Especially the part about him not being able to sit by Aaron for the rest of the year. Sounds like he has already settled in like a champ!!

  2. They are trouble together! But I am happy to see the teacher is already taking action and setting up her boundraries!
