Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Really a lot of things could fall under this category for me what can I say when I like something I really like it. But currently I am obsessed with Instagram, I love it. I mean let’s face it, sometimes an SLR isnt the most convenient thing to have in your kids face all the time. Its not like while we are eating dinner I am gonna bust out my camera and start taking pictures (well, except when we were at the beach and Johnny got crab legs, but seriously thats like the only time.) Instagram makes it so easy to get those moments that you dont always have your camera for. I probably need an intervention, yesterday my camera on my phone stopped working and I might have had a small panic attack. I mean how was I going to take a picture of Johnny eating BBQ to show the world? Without Instagram I will never remember what happened from last night up until I got my phone working again. I am happy to say it was an easy fix and my grid is up and running again.

Anyway I know the weekend is over but here is our weekend wrap up, Instagram stlye. If anyone wants to follow me I am katannblue1.

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