Wednesday, April 27, 2011

He is an athlete, no a rock star no..

Maybe an Artist? There is nothing like enjoying everything you try - Johnny is that kid, the one growing up we all cant stand. No matter what he does he is good at it, I am sure a lot of this is my bias opinion but who cares I think he is awesome. His school is trying to raise money for a new playground so they came up with a great idea of having a children's art show. Every student in the school did something for the show, the school framed it and then displayed it in an art show available for the parents to purchase. Great idea - what parent isnt going to buy their child's framed artwork? It might have been a coincidence but Johnny's was on display in the front of the school and the director told me his was a fan favorite. Alright enough bragging, here it is a rocket ship flying to the moon....


Holidays are so much fun, well maybe it is the traditions that are the fun part and the Gold/Wolf/Blue clan have some good ones! The dying of the eggs starts the Easter fun, I prepared 18 eggs for Johnny and myself and between the broken and eaten we ended up with 13, they turned out really pretty. Johnny got very creative making planet eggs and my favorite the striped one which he left out for the Easter bunny to hide. (At our house the EB hides your egg and leaves a basket filled with treats and presents, you cant touch your basket until the egg is found.)

Johnny woke up excited to find his egg and basket right away. We then had a mystery EB leave us 2 baskets outside our front door! It was a good surprise! He gave up bubble gum for lent and went the whole 40 days with out cheating. I am proud to say even when he was offered the gum he did not take it. So after chewingg about 2 packs of gum we headed to the park. I really felt it was important to remember what Easter really means to us and with church being so crowded I thought he would get more out of it by me reading him children's bible stories. It was such a beautiful day so we went to the park. We walked and he listened very carefully asking questions and really understanding what I was trying to explain. There was something special about enjoying the day and teaching him about the Crucifixion and Resurrection.

We headed over to Gigi and Poppy's to find more eggs and baskets and made bouncy balls (so cool)! The wolf pack joined us and we had our annual big kid Easter egg hunt. In the eggs were lotto tickets, pony bottles, itunes and money, it was a lot of fun - who says your too old for an egg hunt? Besides with Johnny being the only "kid" we didnt want him to feel lonely hunting for eggs. A beautiful day with family and good food leaves me feeling good. Like always we really missed John (and the Wolf boys) but I am so happy to think this is the LAST holiday he will miss with us. We are counting down the days, hours and min until we are a family again. Not too much longer!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What keeps you up?

So I am sure a lot of people are losing sleep these days, from worrying about a job, a family problem, a new baby, a stupid dog that needs to be let out (im not bitter) or the government shutdown - just to name a few. Well let me tell you what a 4 year old lays awake worrying about. I got woken up this morning at 3 am to be asked three important questions.

1. Do plant eaters attack each other?

2. Why do some animals lay eggs to grow their babies and some are like mamas and grow them in their bellies?

and probably the most important of the three

3. Does Lady Gaga really smoke cigarettes, because in her song she says just light my cigarette and hush?

After Johnny got his answers he was able to fall right back to sleep. I on the other hand laid awake for the next hour trying to think which animals lay eggs and which give live births because at 3 am in the morning I could only think of two. LOL I must say I am impressed with his questions, that mind is always going!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ahh Spring...

Spring time is finally here, how do I know? Well the fact that everything in GA turns yellow is a good indicator it is spring, or all the caterpillars falling out of trees and walking along every sidewalk (a boys dream) but the way I know is a visit from the Grandparents. My grandparents come every year around the last weeks of March for a visit. It is so good to see them and spend some one on one time with them, Johnny really enjoys it too. They came down from Buffalo to defrost for a couple weeks, it always makes me smile to hear what they are up to these days. My grandpa is still playing golf and the guitar while my grandma is relaxing and enjoying retirement. They are so cute and I really cherish the time we get to spend with them, and I am so glad Johnny has gotten to know them.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Best Day Ever...

Well it will be when John comes home, however he had a pretty good one the other day. After receiving a special package in the mail from me, paying off his truck and getting a day off he got to ride in a Black hawk Helicopter to a new base in ArRamadi. He was so excited about the ride and it was great to hear him smiling. I know he didnt want to look silly for taking a ton of pictures but he managed to get a few. And now like everything
new John experiences he wants to learn how to fly one. He said it felt so cool, like being in a machine in the sky - like a dozer or something. Lucky guy, gets to ride one on the way back too. He got sent to a different base to run the incineration department while the other guy is on R&R. Being in a new place might help these next 2 months go by faster. It is a much smaller base surrounded by a city, they are forwarding his mail to him so dont worry the address is still the same and he will be back in Alasad by April 20th. I know he is missing his TV but I think it will be good to change things up a bit. He is really working hard over there and really geeting to do some cool things.

April 5, 2011 6:50 PM

See I told yall he can do them backwards.