Monday, December 13, 2010

My Ninja

Johnny graduated belts in Karate. He has been doing karate for 3 months now and in order to get his belt he had to earn five stripes.

Fitness stripe - he had to do 50 jumping jacks, 5 push ups (chin to the ground) and 25 sit ups

Self Discipline Stripe - maintain a black belt room for 1 week, clean and neat

Kicking Stripe - this was a tough one for him, he had to learn a sliding side kick

Punching Stripe - while the kicking was hard this one came natural - lol

Belt Tying Stripe - took a lot of practice and we had to recruit Poppy but he got it

He is now a Navis Orange Belt and very proud. Because we have one free day in the week where we dont have to go anywhere (seriously) I decided to fill it with Karate and now he will do it 2 days a week instead of one. He will retain more by going a second day. He is on his way to becoming a black belt.

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