Friday, December 31, 2010


Seriously? We got snow already in GA? This worries me for what the rest of the winter is going to be like we never get it this early! I will admit it was pretty nice to be stuck at our house and not able to go anywhere. We got to play with all of the new Christmas goodies and in the snow outside! We had a n-hood snowball fight, hot chocolate and sled rides. Johnny probably ate his weight in snow, leaving him with chapped lips but we had fun. I guess the one good thing about the snow down here is it dosent stick around, by the next day it was gone.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

And just like that it's over...

It always is surprising to me how fast Christmas goes by- all the preparation, decorating, shopping and then its done.

I must say that over the years my family has come up with some really good traditions. Japanese, church and cookie decorating on Christmas Eve is something to look forward to. Johnny had a lot of fun making cookies for Santa, trying to get them just right with a can of sprinkles on each cookie. lol When we got back to our house he made reindeer food, spread it out said good buy to Zippy and left out his cookies for the big guy. To add to all the excitement Jenny spent the night with us too. Of course the one morning Johnny sleeps until 6:30 I am wide awake. He woke up and we got to hook up with John on skype. I am so glad we could be together in some form. The heart wrenching moment of the morning was when Johnny opened a present from John and ran to the computer and gave it a hug. I know he is so ready to hug his dada for real. After we finished up our morning (with the highlights being a trip to Disney and a leapster explorer) we headed over to my parents. Like every Christmas all of us got way too much. It is a bit ridiculous! And if yall think I take a lot of pictures now then just wait. John got me the newest SLR Nikon, D3100. It is awesome and I cant wait to really learn how to use it! After messing with all the loot and opening up everything Johnny got to play with it once we headed to the Wolf house for a feast. Most people would be excited by the sight of snow on Christmas, I am not one of those people. Maybe if we were sitting by the fire at home with no plans to go anywhere but this little snow storm cut into my dessert and visit time with the Wolfs! I was glad to get home safely and happy to have spent such a great day with my family they always go out of their way to make things special. The decorations are down, and the coundown is on for daddy and Disney!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Drum roll Please.....

Ah, once again a Santa worthy tree. And of course it wasn't easy to get- it came with a flat tire. Notice that is still on my things to learn list. But I got lucky and the guys at the nursery not only helped me with the tree but they also plugged John's tire. I got it home, in the house by myself and its decorated waiting for presents. I also have added our fireplace gate around the bottom so hopefully Hiccup will get the point, I also have added candy canes to her food bowl. (I cant handle any more tree drama - whatever it takes!)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree...

How you stress me! My gosh, in all the years John and I have had a Christmas together (8 I believe) I have never had such a problem with my tree. It started out as a beautiful tree, Johnny and I decorated it while drinking egg nog and watching old home videos of me. The finishing touch on our tree is the candy canes and this is where it all started. This year Hiccup decided she was going to start eating the candy canes off the tree. Everyday I was coming home from work I finding little pieces of candy around the tree and pine needles spread along the floor. She has never been a chewer or messed with any of our things so I was really surprised. Since it was so out of character for her I really didnt think she would keep it up, figured she must just need some attention. After taking her for some good long walks I thought we would get past this candy cane eating phase. I was wrong, she took it to the next level and went crazy eating all the candy she could reach, pawing at the tree and biting the lights. Once all the candy was gone she must have been trying to find out what else she could eat on the tree moving onto the ornaments. Needless to say our tree was looking pretty bad. Looking at the tree I made a decision -the lights were out, half the ornaments were off, the branches were falling and there was a huge hole in the middle. Only 2 days until Christmas, this was not an acceptable place for Santa to leave presents so I took what was left of it off and threw the tree out. (Yes I hauled the tree up our steep hill all by myself - working out is doing some good) You would think that this close to Christmas you'd be able to get a good deal on a tree - wrong they are still 35-40.00 it is insane. So I am on a mission tomorrow to find a good(reasonably priced) tree to decorate, enjoy and put presents under. Wish me luck!

Monday, December 13, 2010

My Ninja

Johnny graduated belts in Karate. He has been doing karate for 3 months now and in order to get his belt he had to earn five stripes.

Fitness stripe - he had to do 50 jumping jacks, 5 push ups (chin to the ground) and 25 sit ups

Self Discipline Stripe - maintain a black belt room for 1 week, clean and neat

Kicking Stripe - this was a tough one for him, he had to learn a sliding side kick

Punching Stripe - while the kicking was hard this one came natural - lol

Belt Tying Stripe - took a lot of practice and we had to recruit Poppy but he got it

He is now a Navis Orange Belt and very proud. Because we have one free day in the week where we dont have to go anywhere (seriously) I decided to fill it with Karate and now he will do it 2 days a week instead of one. He will retain more by going a second day. He is on his way to becoming a black belt.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Well they got it wrong AGAIN!

I am starting to question Gap's eye for a model. LOL Johnny is not one of the twenty finalist, here is what he was up against, in the baby boy category.
Its for the best we have such a full schedule already, and its only a matter of time before he is discovered. Thanks for all the votes :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

And his reaction....


The Eagle has Landed

Well now that operation decorate the tree is underway I can blog about it. With John not being home for Christmas I felt like the least I could do is send a little Christmas to him. So I sent him a 4 ft pre lit Christmas tree along with his big present. (literally it was big, weighed 35lbs and had to ship it as an over sized package) which by the way he is keeping under the tree. He was really excited to get the tree and now with the help of all of you he has been having fun decorating it. He has already gotten quite a few packages with ornaments for his tree. He is keeping it in his office rather then his room so everyone can admire it- and be jealous. I feel a little bad as John is getting special packages every day and his friends are just watching him get all the love. I have decided to send his 4 friends a little something to put under the tree too. I told him he will have to take a picture of the finished product so I can share his tree of love with everyone. (here is one I took with skype, you can see the progress) Its fun to hear all the different ornaments people are picking out for him once again we have done good. Thanks for all your help!

This is AWESOME!!

Santa sent Johnny a little message, I will let yall know his reaction to it. If you dont believe you dont recieve!!