Monday, November 1, 2010

Candy, Candy, Candy

That was the theme of the weekend. There is a reason why I dont keep candy in my house, it gets eaten (by me)! I think on Halloween well and the days leading up to it I eat enough candy to last me the year. Then every 30min Johnny was telling me he was hungry but what this really meant was I want candy.

The weekend started on Friday at Johnnys school with a fall festival. Full of games, activities and of course, candy. Then we went to Jenny's work for Spooktackular which was dancing, face painting and more candy. On Sat we had to get ready for Halloween so we went to buy all our candy and of course Sunday was Trick or Treating.

I love it that we have so many kids in our neighborhood, it really makes things fun. We all met outside and just let the kids play for about an hour before hitting the houses. They all took on the characters we had Buzz flying around, Spidey shooting webs and Peter shooting arrows and crowing. When it was time to start Johnny took off, like everything he does it turned into a competition who can ring the doorbell first, who can get the most candy. It was a lot of fun to see them running around like maniacs. I dont think Johnny got the most candy or went to the most houses but I know he had a lot of fun!

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