Saturday, August 7, 2010

Cat Eye Hike

Trying to stay busy with different things to do I came across this night hike with Gwinnett County Parks and Recreation. I had to sign us up, because what is cooler then walking through the woods during the day, yep walking in the night with a flashlight. So we went to the store and Johnny picked out a new flashlight to guide us in the dark and we headed to the park. There was a pretty good turn out considering it was 130 degrees and humid - lol. There was arts and crafts, hot dogs and then relay games. Johnny was loving it especially all the attention he was getting from the girls. I witnessed him tell girls he was five of course I had to call him out and got the what the heck look. Im already cramping his style. It didn't get dark until about 9 and that's when the flashlights came out and the hike began. The employees had gone around the 1 mile loop and put eye stickers all through the trees and woods, so as the kids were walking and shining their flashlights they could see eyes in the night. It was pretty cool. Johnny of course found a frog, which Im ok with I was really worried about seeing a snake which I am sure he would have loved. I was so surprised by the amount of people complaining about the walk, both adults and children and I felt so fortunate that Johnny could have easily walked longer. When we got done with the hike there was smores waiting for us, I would say the perfect way to end an evening. The next activity we are going to do is a mother/son camp out. And no its not in a hotel, actual tents people. I am getting brave.

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