Well the medical incinerating is going good. John has passed all his tests and gotten all the certifications needed to run a loader. So he has moved up to the big incinerator working directly with his boss, Gary but hoping to be able to split his weeks up between the two incinerators. I guess just to break it up a bit. Those air conditioned office days are over. LOL (The average temp right now is around 135 but he is still managing to run in it.) Communication has gotten a little harder with his new job, and the skype connection hasn't been that good but I still feel lucky to be able to see a fuzzy image that resembles John. (his skype name is doc.blue or you can search by his email johnblue@bellsouth.net) The job keeps him on his toes they are finding UXO's (unidentified explosive objects) on a daily basis which really makes for a long day, and adds stress for everyone. I guess people are not properly disposing of their explosives - just putting it in the trash with their empty water bottles and medical supplies. Thank God they are finding these things! It seems like he has gotten into a good routine and his days pretty much are work, eat, work out contact us then sleep. Everyday...
John did get approved to come home in Sept, so he will be here for Johnny's Birthday. Which is a relief because I have been telling Johnny that all along. We are going to try and make it down to Disney for a couple days and we also have a wedding to be in. Definitely some things to look forward to. The one month mark has come and gone, however it feels like I haven't seen him in forever. Johnny and I are missing him pretty bad and have had a few moments I am ready to tell him just come home, we have been staying busy its just so weird doing stuff without John. I know he has been pretty homesick so the mail and packages help. They have flat rate boxes at the PO you can get and fill up with as much stuff as you want (except for pornography, alcohol, or lottery - illegal in Iraq and he doesn't need that stuff anyway, actually it is probably exactly what he needs right now lol) and ship it for as little as 5.00! If you want to send something let me know and I can give you some ideas. Also the postage for a letter or a card is the same rates as here - so .44 cents if you have a second and a stamp stick one in the mail. He acts like he doesn't care but I know he is always checking that mail box, and the days he gets mail his spirit is lighter. The packages take about 1 week and the letters 2. That is all for now
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