Monday, June 28, 2010

For those of you keeping track

It took three weeks but Johnny finally got it, yes I'm talking about the squirt gun. Its not that the other two weeks were horrible, he just had some listening issues. I figured he needed even extra motivation. So we bought two guns for fathers day, one for Poppy and one for Johnny. And it worked, everyday he came home from school asking for the squirt gun and by Friday he knew it was all his. It kills me how when he really wants something he can do what he needs to get it, heck I guess that is how most of us are. The first thing Johnny said after testing out his new nerf or nothing gun (that's what he calls it) was I cant wait to get Poppy. Sunday dinner couldn't have come soon enough for Johnny, we pulled in the driveway and he put his fingers over his lips to shush me. The timing couldn't have been better as we were filling it up we heard the lawn mower crank up and knew Poppy was right around the corner. Johnny was very sneaky going along side the house and waiting to jump out just at the right time and....

It was pretty funny of course he ran inside and got his gun too and then it was on the rest of the afternoon. I think I had to take those squirt guns away from them at least 2 times.

New With John

Well the medical incinerating is going good. John has passed all his tests and gotten all the certifications needed to run a loader. So he has moved up to the big incinerator working directly with his boss, Gary but hoping to be able to split his weeks up between the two incinerators. I guess just to break it up a bit. Those air conditioned office days are over. LOL (The average temp right now is around 135 but he is still managing to run in it.) Communication has gotten a little harder with his new job, and the skype connection hasn't been that good but I still feel lucky to be able to see a fuzzy image that resembles John. (his skype name is or you can search by his email The job keeps him on his toes they are finding UXO's (unidentified explosive objects) on a daily basis which really makes for a long day, and adds stress for everyone. I guess people are not properly disposing of their explosives - just putting it in the trash with their empty water bottles and medical supplies. Thank God they are finding these things! It seems like he has gotten into a good routine and his days pretty much are work, eat, work out contact us then sleep. Everyday...

John did get approved to come home in Sept, so he will be here for Johnny's Birthday. Which is a relief because I have been telling Johnny that all along. We are going to try and make it down to Disney for a couple days and we also have a wedding to be in. Definitely some things to look forward to. The one month mark has come and gone, however it feels like I haven't seen him in forever. Johnny and I are missing him pretty bad and have had a few moments I am ready to tell him just come home, we have been staying busy its just so weird doing stuff without John. I know he has been pretty homesick so the mail and packages help. They have flat rate boxes at the PO you can get and fill up with as much stuff as you want (except for pornography, alcohol, or lottery - illegal in Iraq and he doesn't need that stuff anyway, actually it is probably exactly what he needs right now lol) and ship it for as little as 5.00! If you want to send something let me know and I can give you some ideas. Also the postage for a letter or a card is the same rates as here - so .44 cents if you have a second and a stamp stick one in the mail. He acts like he doesn't care but I know he is always checking that mail box, and the days he gets mail his spirit is lighter. The packages take about 1 week and the letters 2. That is all for now

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A MUST HAVE for my house

So I have to have a photo booth, and yes I am being serious. I mean how much fun would it be to go in there once a day and just do silly pictures. It would be a stress reliever. Then everyone that ever came over to my house would have to go in the booth before they leave and the entire room will just be walls filled with the fun pictures. It will be mine, oh yes it will be mine!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Wedding and Family Time

Alright, some of yall are demanding I will try and update the blog more but give me a break I'm busy. lol - This past weekend we headed down to TPC Sawgrass for my cousin Tommy's wedding. So much happened in the weekend that I think this post will be best if I just touch on the highlights. If not I fear I will ramble on forever. So ....

1. Johnny got to meet all of his cousins and get to know his Great Aunts and Uncles better. It was really good for Johnny to get some guy time in and he loved being around the other Richard. (I guess that will be payback for girl -ha) He is still asking if he can come to our house.

2. When Johnny put on his tux he was so excited -whoo hoo Im the ring boy were his exact words. When I had to break it to him that he was not, he said awww why I'm not cute enough? (Do you think this boy gets enough attention?)

3. The wedding was one of the most beautiful I have seen. And while I was really trying to focus on the wedding Johnny was entertaining our row. He was so worried about the flower girls. He kept asking where they are and when he can dance with them. Then when the bridesmaids started down the aisle he said mom those flower girls are too big for me where are the ones that are my size. LOL

4. The reception, always a good time especially for watching people turn from up tight to drunk. Unfortunately at this point in the evening Johnny couldn't keep his eyes open to get that dance with those blonds.

It was a lot of driving and car time with Dad, Nasty (I learned a little more about why he is called this) and Johnny but a lot of fun was had by all. So good to catch up with family made me wish we were all closer and it made me wish John could have been there with us. I will have a link up soon to all the pictures I got some really good ones!

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Grass Has Been Cut

Well I did it and I am sure John is cussing our neighbor for showing me how to start the lawn mower. And now that I think about it what a clever move by David to get yard of the month yet again, very sneaky. So the grass cutting was surprisingly not something I enjoyed as much as I remembered. I like the smell of fresh cut grass but not in my hair and on my clothes. I think I consumed at least 3 bugs and I had to use my precious nap time minuets to do this chore. Not to mention nap time is around 2:00 the hottest part of a GA day.

I never realized how hard it is to push a freaking push mower. Maybe this is because our mower is so old, I only have myself to blame if I would have known the new mower John tried to get was a NEED and not a WANT I would have let him get it. I suppose I was spoiled by the riding lawn mower growing up. But I blame this for my few problem areas on the lawn. It seemed like the higher the grass the harder it was to push so I got "stuck" a couple places leaving a few, hmm we will call them rough patches. And I did have cars stopping while I was struggling not offering to help but instead smirking. Then (like I always do) learning from my mistakes I just avoided the other high areas. I realized right as I was finishing up the front yard the mower was starting to slow down, I tried to speed up to finish the job but the dang thing ran outta gas. Now I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason so I took this as a sign it was time to stop. As I stood in the front of my freshly cut grass glistening like a pig and smelling like a boy I felt good, the grass was cut. Maybe not in a straight line or any elaborate pattern but I did it. Now I will hire someone the next time. (Actually in this picture it dosnt look that bad!)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Another Week Down

So another week of being good and Johnny has earned himself another weapon. Well technically it was a Pirate book that came with a sward, ring and hat of course. So all weekend long we have been clanking swards and playing pirates. Arrrrr matie - Its been great until we are in public and he tells me he is going to stab me, I get some looks. Another thing we have been doing is a bit of healthy competition. Silly Bandz, if you have a kid or know a kid you know what I am talking about. If you are outta the loop they are these rubber bands in all different shapes. Animals, rock bands, superheros, outter space - kids go nuts over these and well so does Jenny. HA, Johnny has been earning silly bandz for good days at school and helping around the house.(Believe me these have more value to him then cash money). So he and Jenny are seeing who can earn the most and at the end of the week they trade. So if you want in on some trading action getcha some BANDZ! (I recieved 2 of Johnnys for being his best friend, I did get one taken back up when he got mad and said I wasnt his bf anymore)Pretty funny!
This week we are trying for oh surprise, surprise a squirt gun. Then thats it,no more weapons only nice things after that like teddy bears and other fluffy things.

In Training

One of Johns itsy bitsy concerns with leaving has been his precious lawn. Now to the unknown our yard has come a long way since we bought the house, still has a long way to go but there is now grass out front. LOL - Cutting grass is something I can do, he just doesn't trust me from an incident with me and the mower a few years back. (I thought it would be good to cut the grass as short as possible, it wasn't my fault that the yard got scalped). Well he wont have to worry too much longer I wont touch the grass at all, just a few more lessons and I think Johnny's got this.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Shared photo book from katie

Click here to view this photo book larger


John just sent this video to me, I guess he wanted me to realize it isnt summer camp. LOL

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

John Update

Wanted to give y'all a quick update on John.
I have been very lucky to keep in touch with John during his transition from the States to Iraq and it looks like he is finally settled. A few crazy turn of events have ended him up in a better situation then he could have imagined. He started out going to Ar-ramadi as a grader and has ended up in Al-Asard as an incinerator. LOL It is a medical incinerator and he is in charge of all the OSHA and record keeping. Something he knows nothing about and when he told his boss that he simply said well I don't know a lot about moving dirt but I do know you're sitting in the air condition right now. So he has an office job got a 1 bedroom room with no roommate yet and said there are 2 movie theaters there and all the food he can eat. So really not a bad deal. He just got his internet up and running and we got to catch him on Skype the other day. He gave us a tour of his room. I know he has to be glad to be back in touch with the world. If anyone needs his contact information let me know and I will get it to you. He is more accessable then I thought.